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Monday, November 9, 2015

How to do the splits in 6 weeks

How to do the splits in 6 weeks
While doing the splits probably seems a world away from his cross-legged position desk chair default, the path is steep improvement.

"I've had students who have never done the divisions managed to achieve in a matter of weeks," says Lara McGirr dance teacher. (She also had students who practice for years without success, to care.)

If you are setting their sights on the legs 11, the key points are patience and persistence. While consistency is important, it is critical to listen to your body. If your body is not playing ball, you may need a few days or a week off. The good news is that even if you bunk and start over, your progress will be faster the second time.
What are the advantages?

Besides feeling happy with regular divisions practice you will help prevent injuries caused by other conditioning exercises his hamstrings, adductors, hip flexors and quadriceps.

"Making divisions and can also include in your conditioning program for many other forms of exercise or training," says McGirr. His six weeks do-the-splits sequence also can be used as a post-training hamstring and hip flexor stretch.

Week One
This week is lengthening and stretching your hip flexors and quadriceps. Find a comfortable floor space, either on the soft carpet or a yoga mat and sit upright. Bend the right leg in front and left behind the sole of the right foot to touch the left knee. Gently lower the upper body backward. The first step of this section is supported by the elbows and the second progression is lying on your back. You should feel a stretch through the left flexor / quad hip. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds before switching legs to stretch through the right of the flexor / quad hip.

The second week
This week focuses on a deep lunge position. The right foot should be looking forward with right knee at an angle of 90 degrees. To minimize the risk of injury, make sure the knee is directly over the toe. (Left or) back shin should be resting on the floor. You should feel a stretch here through the flexor / quad hip as you feel the stretch last week. Hold for 30 seconds and switch to the other side for another 30 seconds.

Week Three
This week increases the thrust stretch. Staying in the position to practice last week and keeping the knee, lift your leg up to increase the stretch in the hip flexor / quad. Repeat on the other side, holding both for 30 seconds each.

Week Four
This week you're going to put the weight on your knee back as if kneeling and lengthen the front leg. Keep the hips square, gently leaning on the front leg to stretch through the hamstring. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Week five
Back in the original lunge position with leg up on the floor, the front foot down on the floor in a position 'swan'. The front leg should be bent in front of the body as close to a right angle as possible with your back leg straight behind. Over time, the aim is to tilt the upper body forward over the front leg. Each time you do this stretch, which wants to try to hold it for 30 seconds on each side. Not increase the stretch maintained unless twice for 30 seconds on each side. This will be a good indicator of your progress so far!

Week six
If you feel you are ready to do the splits, grab a lot of pillows and cushions to place beneath the legs and pelvis as easily as in their division; This will support the muscles as they adjust to the position - especially if they are not 100 percent ready to floor it. Once the pads are in place, re-lunge position and gently stretch the front leg divisions. If as close to the floor does not feel stretched or is ready for a bigger challenge, slowly remove the pillows at a time until they are challenged properly (you should not feel as if you are going to break the half). You can also use your hands to support it.


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