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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Most employees suffer from stress at workplace

Most employees suffer from stress at workplace
One in four employees are suffering stress problems in the workplace, according to new research.

The study shows just one in four callers a national employee assistance helpline say that workplace stress is at the root of your problem. Experts at the firm say they have seen firsthand through its Employee Assistance Program how stress levels have increased with higher today demands inside and outside the workplace. Jayne Carrington, Customer and Propositions Director, said: "Many employees call us are deeply concerned about the uncertainty about job prospects and the impact this would have on the family.

"Or are faced by increased workloads and targets set by employers who are often waiting staff to do more with less." The benefits are clear for staff and a healthy and productive workforce means a healthy bottom line and business. "She said that stress can lead to poor sleep habits, constant fatigue, low energy levels, low intake of nutrition and low levels of physical activity, which could all impact on productivity and labor underperforming.

While asking employers to do more to prevent problems, Carrington Believ is, "Employees have a responsibility to see how they can manage their stress, be more resilient in difficult times and l adopt lifestyle changes and behavior reduce any t pressures of the workplace. " He adds: "Organisations and indi per- must work together to recognize both existing and potential problems and adopt measures to prevent and manage stress in the workplace."


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